As part of our 123rd anniversary celebration, we are releasing part 1 of the first-ever sit-down interview with Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Jim Cole, 33°…
As part of our 123rd anniversary celebration, we are releasing part 1 of the first-ever sit-down interview with Scottish Rite Sovereign Grand Commander Jim Cole, 33°…
The Scottish Rite in Hawaii recently marked a significant milestone, celebrating its 150th year anniversary, also known as its sesquicentennial. The commemoration was a momentous occasion attended by members of Hawaii’s Royal Orders, who joined in honoring the Scottish Rite’s founders in Hawaii, His Majesty King Kalakaua and Prince Consort John Dominis…
In the heart of the Scottish Rite Valley of Honolulu, the Knights of St. Andrew continue to forge a path of growth and vibrant activity…
In the historic halls of the Honolulu Scottish Rite, the 2024 Feast of Kadosh unfolded on the evening of January 18, 2024. Guided by the Honorable Brother Dino J. Fernandez, KCCH, who serves as the Commander of the Council of Kadosh…
The Scottish Rite Orient of Hawaii and Guam recently convened at the picturesque Honolulu Scottish Rite Cathedral for its biennial Investiture…
In the heart of Honolulu, the members of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry gathered on September 30th, 2023, for a cherished annual tradition – the Feast of Tishri…
Congratulations to our worthy Scottish Rite, SJ, Brethren from the Valley of Honolulu who have been elected this biennium to receive the 32°, Knight Commander of the Court of Honour, and the 33°, Inspector General Honorary…
In a remarkable act of philanthropy and solidarity, the Supreme Council of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, SJ, USA., demonstrated their commitment…
On Saturday, February 25th, 2023, the Honolulu Scottish Rite Bodies held their Annual Installation of Officers…
On November 17th, 2022, the Honolulu Lodge of Perfection was opened for business, which included the presentation of 14° rings & 32°caps to our new members who attended the Honolulu Scottish Rite’s Fall Reunion.
Address: 1611 Kewalo St # 101 Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 533-2326
Fax: (808) 533-6493
Lee D. Gordon, 33°
General Secretary