In the heart of the Scottish Rite Valley of Honolulu, the Knights of St. Andrew continue to forge a path of growth and vibrant activity, adding to the rich tapestry of Freemasonry. Recently, their commitment to service and camaraderie was on full display as they collaborated with the Scottish Rite purveyors and Rainbow Girls to orchestrate a splendid Feast of Kadosh. This event not only showcased the unity within the Masonic community but also highlighted the Knights of St. Andrew’s dedication to enhancing the Masonic experience for all involved.
Bro. Vernon Jarvis 32°, Commander, at the forefront of this dynamic chapter, recently extended a warm welcome to two new members, Bro. Gino Soquena 32° and Bro. Gerard Beckley 32°. The induction ceremony, steeped in tradition, saw both gentlemen being knighted in the classical fashion of the order. As these individuals join the ranks of the Knights of St. Andrew, the chapter’s growth not only signifies an expansion in numbers but also a deepening commitment to fostering brotherhood, fellowship, and the timeless values of Freemasonry within the Scottish Rite Valley of Honolulu.