
The Scottish Rite - Valley of Honolulu


Master of Kadosh……………………….Froebel A. Garcia, KCCH

Prior………………………………………………….Garry Graham, 33°

Preceptor………………………………………….James J. Logue, 32°

Chancellor………………………………Clyde Agayani Jacinto, 32°

Minister of State………………………………….Vernon Jarvis, 32°

Prelate……………………………………..Ernest D.K. Carvalho, 32°

Marshal of Ceremonies………………Alexander A. Esacasa, 33°

Expert………………………………………………..William Flores, 32°

Assistant Expert……………………………..Gerard J. Beckley, 32°

Captain of the Guard……………………………..Jay Baquiran, 32°

The final portion of the Scottish Rite System of degrees is called The Consistory. This series of degrees includes the 31° through the 32°. The Honolulu Consistory was chartered on November 12, 1901 with its first Commander being Samuel L. Rumsey.